
So….let’s all maybe take a quick second to breathe…and while we do that, I am going to bring up a subject for you to think about. On October 24, 2001, 98 of the 100 US Senators voted yes on the PATRIOT Act (one no, one did not vote)…yes…even Schumer…the House then proceeds to vote 357-66 (9 non-voters) to approve the same measure.
There were a smattering of smaller protests and some complaints (Facebook showed 1 person talking about and 252 likes for a scheduled protest) but 75% of the country believed that it was fine or even “not enough” of a fix.
I bring this up because, whatever your stance on the immigration restrictions (not a Muslim ban by any stretch…check Indonesia’s Muslim population if you need proof of that…China has more Muslims than Iraq…or Yemen…or Syria ), the fact that people are taking to the streets to vehemently protest a suspension of rights for non-citizens/non-residents to protect our country and yet sat idly by and watched as our government boldly walked in and voted to temporarily (15 years temporary) suspend the rights of US citizens to protect our country, frightens me.
If you can’t be bothered when your own rights, guaranteed to you by the Constitution as a US citizen, are quickly and loudly dashed on the rocks in the name of “security”, why are you so lathered up when non-citizen rights take a hit? Chuck Schumer is on the verge of tears as he vows to fight Trump on his un-American order. Where were the tears when he voted yes on an un-American act to take away our liberties as American citizens for our own safety?
We have cities and colleges that are willing to risk losing funding to protect the rights of illegal immigrants, but won’t lift a finger to protect the rights of their own students to assemble or speak out.
That’s all…whatever your opinion, either for or against the restriction I respect your right to have it and to share …I just ask that maybe we should take the same effort and apply it to being concerned about our rights as citizens in this country.

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